
жесткий имя прилагательное:
жесткий (hard, tough, rigid, stiff, harsh, rough)
трудный (difficult, hard, tight, tough, arduous, troublesome)
твердый (solid, fixed, hard, firm, strong, steadfast)
тяжелый (heavy, hard, severe, difficult, heavyweight, grave)
сильный (strong, keen, powerful, Heavy, severe, hard)
упорный (persistent, stubborn, hard, refractory, rebellious, dogged)
крепкий (strong, hard, sturdy, solid, robust, fast)
суровый (severe, harsh, stern, austere, hard, rigorous)
аппаратный (hard)
усердный (diligent, hard, zealous, assiduous, industrious, painstaking)
плотный (dense, tight, thick, solid, close, hard)
резкий (cutting, sharp, abrupt, harsh, severe, hard)
строгий (strict, stringent, rigorous, severe, stern, hard)
черствый (stale, callous, unsympathetic, hard, obdurate, indurate)
холодный (cold, chilly, bleak, chill, frigid, hard)
высокий (high, tall, lofty, Big, elevated, hard)
неприятный (unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, obnoxious, distasteful, hard)
безжалостный (ruthless, merciless, relentless, unrelenting, pitiless, hard)
постоянный (constant, permanent, continuous, regular, standing, hard)
устойчивый (stable, steady, sustained, persistent, strong, hard)
крайний (extreme, last, ultra, utmost, utter, hard)
несчастный (unhappy, miserable, unfortunate, wretched, poor, hard)
жадный (greedy, insatiable, avid, grasping, voracious, hard)
скупой (stingy, mean, miserly, skimpy, niggardly, hard)
контрастный (contrasty, hard)
требующий напряжения (hard)
усиленно предающийся (hard)
проникающий (penetrating, penetrative, pervasive, permeant, ingrained, hard)
очерствевший (hard)
очерствелый (hard)
определенный (certain, definite, specific, determined, given, hard)
подтвержденный (confirmed, reconfirmed, reaffirmed, hard)
жестко (hard, tough)
твердо (firmly, hard, firm, solidly, surely, crisply)
тяжело (heavy, hard, heavily, gravely, squab)
сильно (strong, strongly, heavy, highly, heavily, hard)
упорно (hard, stubbornly, obstinately, doggedly, insistently, stoutly)
крепко (firmly, hard, tightly, tight, fast, strongly)
с трудом (hard, hardly, scarcely, heavily, ill, scarce)
настойчиво (persistently, hard, emphatically, importunately)
сурово (severely, hard, hardly, dourly)
жестоко (brutally, severely, cruelly, violently, bitter, hard)
больно (painfully, hard, badly)
близко (close, near, nearby, closely, nearly, hard)
вплотную (close, closely, back to back, hard)
энергично (vigorously, energetically, hard, ambitiously, roundly, stoutly)
шибко (hard, smartly)
по пятам (hard, upon heels, at heels, on heels)
чрезмерно (overmuch, overly, excessively, over, unduly, hard)
неумеренно (hard)
имя существительное:
каторга (hard labor, hard, Botany Bay)
брод (Ford, wade, passing, hard)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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  • Hard — (h[aum]rd), a. [Compar. {Harder} ( [ e]r); superl. {Hardest}.] [OE. hard, heard, AS. heard; akin to OS. & D. hard, G. hart, OHG. herti, harti, Icel. har[eth]r, Dan. haard, Sw. h[*a]rd, Goth. hardus, Gr. kraty s strong, ka rtos, kra tos, strength …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • hard — [härd] adj. [ME < OE heard, akin to Ger hart < IE base * kar , hard > Gr karyon, nut, kratos, strength] 1. not easily dented, pierced, cut, or crushed; resistant to pressure; firm and unyielding to the touch; rigid; solid and compact 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • Hard — Hard, adv. [OE. harde, AS. hearde.] 1. With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; earnestly. [1913 Webster] And prayed so hard for mercy from the prince. Dryden. [1913 Webster] My father Is hard at study; pray now, rest yourself. Shak. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hard by — Hard Hard, adv. [OE. harde, AS. hearde.] 1. With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; earnestly. [1913 Webster] And prayed so hard for mercy from the prince. Dryden. [1913 Webster] My father Is hard at study; pray now, rest yourself. Shak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • hard — ► ADJECTIVE 1) solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced. 2) requiring or demonstrating a great deal of endurance or effort; difficult. 3) (of a person) not showing any signs of weakness; tough. 4) (of information or a subject… …   English terms dictionary

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